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LGPE Final Reminders/Timing: Please read all!

2/11/2025 2:05 pm

Orchestra Families- Just a reminder about LGPE Wednesday and Thursday.  We've worked hard- now it's time to enjoy outstanding culminating performances of this repertoire!


Remember that this is a major grade our ensemble equivalent of an EOC exam- FCS requires that every ensemble class participate.  The feedback we receive annually from the LGPE judges is invaluable from a growth standpoint.  


Full schedule below, including performance times if you plan to come, which is encouraged!  


Essential info for students/parents: 

Concert Orchestra, Wednesday- Bring concert attire, instrument, music to school...you will change before we depart; your teachers have been notified that you will leave 6th period at 2:00 pm to report to the orchestra room, change, and load the bus; bring a snack if you think you'll get hungry; no candy, gum, goldfish, or sugary drinks allowed on the bus- cleaning fee strictly enforced (bring water and easy to clean snacks)


Chamber Orchestra, Wednesday- Arrive already dressed in concert attire at Alpharetta HS with instrument, music, etc. ready to warm up at 5:30 pm; follow signs and look for a chaperone to gather/take you to warm up room- if anything is unclear, I'll send a GroupMe message; use the parent parking lots near the auditorium marked on the attached map; eat a large snack or dinner before you arrive


Sinfonia, Thursday- Arrive at MHS by 5:30 pm ​dressed in concert attire and with all instruments, music, etc. and having already eaten dinner (or stay through but bring your concert attire and dinner); no candy, gum, goldfish, or sugary drinks allowed on the bus- cleaning fee strictly enforced (bring water and easy to clean snacks)



As I mentioned, they have performance stools, but probably none in the sight reading and warmup room.  You are welcome to bring your own or use a Milton stool- just know that it is your responsibility (we can help you carry stuff)


EVERYONE: Make sure instrument cases have name tags, labels, or tape before loading them on the bus (and in case anything gets misplaced or left behind)


*All times are pm    

At Alpharetta HS (Sinfonia/Concert buses depart from/return to Milton HS. 

Family and friends are encouraged to come watch our performances at the times below!  







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Thursday Concert

2/3/2025 1:05 pm

Good afternoon- 


I know it's the second message of the day- thanks for your attention.  Just a couple of quick notes/reminders about our Thursday concert (2/6/25, 6:30 pm):

  • Concert Orchestra should arrive by 6 pm and report directly to stage after unpacking instruments/tuning.  Everyone else should arrive no later than 6:15, tune, and take seats in student section with instruments.  
  • Because there is no dress rehearsal, pizza is opt-in only.  If you need to say in between or want to come back early for dinner, we will only order pizza for those on this list (complete form- also presented in class) by the end of Monday: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe4Linh7iuIppQwRNjy-of0RnqKuyjTq3Ca858e4UgKX5hYPA/viewform?usp=header 


1. Concert attire is the same standard concert black as usual (same for LGPE next week, too).  https://www.miltonorchestra.org/attire

2. Reserve seats in advance here: https://www.miltonorchestra.org/concerts

3. The county is doing some work on our stage- It's mostly complete and useable, but there may be aspects left that look transitional on Thursday as they finish up.  

4. This concert is a little different than others, being a pre-LGPE concert.  There will be no intermission, concessions, or other extras.  We will have a guest judge writing and possibly recording (quietly) feedback to help us prepare for next week.  

5. We will take a quick ensemble photo on stage prior to each group's first piece.  

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Permission slips and chaperones

2/3/2025 8:06 am

Good morning, Orchestra Families!


I'll be sending home permission slips today for next week's LGPE performances (at Alpharetta HS) 2/12 and 2/13.  Please return these ASAP (no later than Friday, 2/7).  


Regarding chaperones, we are still 2 short our absolute minimum for Concert Orchestra and 1 short for Sinfonia.  To comfortably move equipment from room to room without added stress on our students, who will already be juggling a lot, we need to fill all slots and could even use additional help beyond that.  


Please sign up here: miltonorchestra.org/volunteer/127773 .  If you can't access the site or want to volunteer beyond the listed slots, email me (cummingsas@fultonschools.org) or send a GroupMe.  Thanks!  I'll look forward to seeing you at our 6:30 Pre-LGPE Concert this Thursday.  




Andrew Cummings, Director

Milton HS Orchestras

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LGPE chaperones, 2/6 concert

1/22/2025 1:19 pm

Good afternoon!  


A few quick items: 


1. Full LGPE schedule below (updated with departure/arrival times)  Please note that Concert and Sinfonia are taking buses from Milton HS due to time of day and size of ensemble/equipment needs, respectively (there will be an option for individual exceptions on permission slips).  Chamber will meet and depart from Alpharetta HS on their own.    


2. We need volunteers for LGPE on 2/12 and 2/13. Sign ups for all orchestras here: 


(If you can fulfill the requirement for at least 1 badged- such as the one you need for overnight trips- chaperone with Concert Orchestra, please sign up and also email/message me a picture of your badge).  


3. If you have some photography experience (hobbyist, pro/semi-pro) and would be willing to take photos of each of our ensembles as they get in place at our 2/6 concert, please let me know.  This is separate from the usual photography volunteer at our concerts- we like to have one nice, staged photo of each group for the year.  Email cummingsas@fultonschools.org or send me a GroupMe.  




*All times are pm    

At Alpharetta HS (Sinfonia/Concert buses depart from/return to Milton HS. 

Family and friends are encouraged to come watch our performances at the times below!  

School Name Group Name Depart MHS Call time @ AHS Warm Up Performance Sightreading Back at MHS Leave/picked up from AHS
Milton High School Concert Orchestra 2:50 n/a 3:40 4:10 4:40 5:50 n/a
Milton High School Chamber Orchestra n/a 5:30 6:10 (5:15) 6:40 7:20 n/a 7:50
School Name Group Name Depart MHS  Call time @ AHS Warm Up Performance Sightreading Back at MHS  Leave/picked up from AHS
Milton High School Sinfonia 6:20  n/a 7:15 (6:40) 7:45 8:20 9:20  n/a
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LGPE Dates/Times

1/14/2025 1:11 pm

Good afternoon and Happy New Year! 


We received our Large Group Performance Evaluation times.  This year's event is at Alpharetta HS- it's great to be local!  We hope to see many parents in the audience.  We'll also need plenty of chaperones- if you are willing, please let me know and I'll make sure you get the volunteer link once it's updated with LGPE details on our website.  


Remember that this is our equivalent of an EOC exam- FCS requires that every ensemble class participate.  The feedback we receive annually from the LGPE judges is invaluable from a growth standpoint.  


Thursday, February 6, 6:30 pm: Pre-LGPE Concert at Milton HS (Major Grade)

Wednesday, February 12 and Thursday, February 13: LGPE at Alpharetta HS (Major Grade)- see below for your ensemble's day/time


I'll send additional details about travel times and transportation methods along with permission slips.  Thanks! 


Times are all pm !


School Name Group Name Director Level # of Players Warm Up Performance Sightreading
Milton High School Concert Orchestra Andrew Cummings III/IV 35 3:40 4:10 4:40
Milton High School Chamber Orchestra Andrew Cummings VI 28 6:10 (5:15) 6:40 7:20
School Name Group Name Director Level # of Players Warm Up Performance Sightreading
Milton High School Sinfonia Andrew Cummings V 42 7:15 (6:40) 7:45 8:20
warm-up times marked in parentheses are when the room will be open if directors choose to warm up early




Andrew Cummings, Director

Milton HS Orchestras

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Winter Concert 12/12, assignments, grades, and more!

12/5/2024 2:02 pm

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Congrats! + video/program links

10/4/2024 2:59 pm

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Concert Day (Today!) Reminders/Schedule

10/3/2024 1:51 pm

Good afternoon,
Remember to check the schedule for your ensemble below- arrive at least 15 minutes before you are supposed to be on stage rehearsing!  
All parts of the concert (concert-day rehearsals, performances, attentive/critical listening and etiquette as student audience members) count towards your Fall Concert (Major) Grade.  
Families/friends, reserve seats by following links at: https://www.miltonorchestra.org/concerts if you haven't already.  If not, you'll have to go through the same process when you arrive, so it saves you some time.  
5:15- Sinfonia and Chamber ON STAGE for Downton Abbey rehearsal
5:30- All orchestras ON STAGE for Kashmir rehearsal
6:00- Pizza available
6:45- Latest time to be dressed and tuned (with a tuner)
6:55- Concert Orchestra ON STAGE
     Sinfonia and Chamber in audience (Sinfonia w/ instruments and music)
7:00- Concert begins
*stay to end/help tear down!* 
Thanks!  I'm looking forward to a great event!



Andrew Cummings, Director

Milton HS Orchestras

Tri-M Sponsor



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Concert 10/3 details (rehearsal schedule and reminders)

9/23/2024 1:32 pm

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Upcoming deadlines (including today) and All State registration list

9/9/2024 1:23 pm





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