Several orchestra announcements plus parent meeting recap
8/22/2024 1:39 pm
Milton Orchestra Announcements/Upcoming Activities:
If you're having trouble seeing links below, try this PDF version or the email sent through Infinite Campus.
This is a lot of info, so I’ve divided it into “new” and “previously sent” categories…
Parent meeting presentation: 2024 Orchestra Booster Kickoff Parent Meeting
This is just an outline, but please visit>Volunteer>Volunteer Opportunities to sign up for a wide variety of events.
Trip announcement: Nashville Slides from parent meeting
We’re excited for our March trip to Nashville and workshop with violinist Tracy Silverman! Begin registering now through October 1st here. We typically fill one bus, so register early to ensure you don’t get put on a wait list if we have to cap the number (based on order of registration): Register here
Contact Mr. Cummings directly if interested in chaperoning or with questions.
Concert attire:
Make sure you read all guidelines carefully and order necessary items to have for our October 3rd concert! Plan ahead in case you need alterations.
Mini-camp success/photos:
We had a great Mini-Camp Saturday! Check out our photos, and please upload more if you’ve got them!
Fundraising Contest through September 10th: There are multiple ways to participate/earn drawing entries!
Opportunities: Deadlines as soon as 9/1
String Day at Georgia State University
University of North Georgia Music Major for a Day
There is a major assignment later in the semester that will allow for participation in one of the above university workshops and/or our previous mini-camp to count as alternate credit.
Leadership applications were sent through GroupMe only and are due Friday at 4 pm!
GroupMe join link:
Spirit wear orders due September 9th
Sight Reading Factory is provided by FCS Music and will be utilized throughout the year
Direct link to register for your individual account
OSP: Pay annual orchestra activity fee here
Sight Reading Factory Access
8/20/2024 11:14 am
Instructions are below for setting up your account. Sight Reading Factory is an excellent resource for individual improvement, and every Milton Orchestra student has access provided this year by Fulton County Schools Music (renewing our inaugural subscription from the Orchestra Boosters). This is a perfect time to sight read daily if you are auditioning for All State and/or Fulton County Honor Orchestra!
If you're not familiar with SRF, we will go over basics in class. But the biggest advantage to individual subscriptions is the ability to tailor exercises to your personal level and skill progression.
To set up your account, follow these instructions. Everyone will need to register (or renew) to complete potential assigned work. Do not register more than once, as we have the correct number of subscriptions for our program size. If you make a mistake/duplicate registration, let me know right away so I can fix it from this end (easy to do, but there's a time limit).
Students can follow these steps to activate or renew a subscription using your new student code:
If a student is activating a SRF account for the first time:
- Go to
- Enter [code sent via IC email and GroupMe] in the Student Code field.
- Select the appropriate age group.
- Complete the registration information.
If a student has had a SRF account in the past and is renewing their account:
- The student should log in to their existing account and go to
- Enter [code sent via IC email and GroupMe] in the Student Code field.
- Click "Extend Subscription".
Let me know if you have any questions.
Andrew Cummings, Director
Milton Orchestras
Read More2 deadlines today + MINI CAMP tomorrow (schedule)
8/16/2024 9:05 am
Good morning, Milton Orchestra,
A couple of reminders:
1. Today is the deadline for the required 2024-25 Orchestra Activity Fee, payable through OSP on the Milton HS website:
Your annual orchestra shirt is included as long as you pay by the deadline! (separate from the spirit wear store items currently accepting pre-orders)
Parents/guardians, contact Mr. Cummings if you need to discuss flexibility/options with this.
2. If you become an Orchestra Booster member at any level by the end of today, you will be entered into Saturday's drawing for 2 tickets to see John Legend with the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra 9/9/24 at Ameris Bank Amphitheatre.
(Note that this is an optional but highly encouraged step separate from your free Membership Toolkit registration that everyone should complete at
MINI CAMP SCHEDULE for Saturday 8/17:
9:00: Check in and full group welcome session- Enter through orchestra side door
9:30-11:30: Rotating sectionals, rehearsals, and group activities (cafe, chorus room, band room, orchestra room)
11:30-12:30: Lunch; provided if you completed the RSVP form. Otherwise, please bring your own. Students should not leave campus during this hour.
12:30-2:30: Rotating sectionals, rehearsals, and group activities (cafe, chorus room, band room, orchestra room)
2:30-4: Full group (combined orchestras) rehearsal and run through. Families are welcome to come watch a final run through of combined repertoire at 3:45 pm in the cafeteria as they come to pick up students.
Andrew Cummings, Director
Milton Orchestras
Read MoreTime-sensitive RSVP/Lunch order for Milton Orchestra mini-camp
8/8/2024 1:47 pm
Good afternoon, orchestra students and families!
I'm really enjoying hearing everyone play this first week. It's going to be a super strong year for all three orchestras if we put in the effort!
2 important items related to the (required and awesome!) August 17 Fall Mini-Camp at MHS:
- As talked about in class, it's essential that you let me know in writing through email or GroupMe by TODAY (8/8) if you have to miss the entire day OR a part of it due to athletics, etc. If you have an excused conflict, be present for as much as you can.
- The Milton Orchestra Boosters will be providing lunch from Knuckies Hoagies 11 to noon on mini-camp day. Please respond to the form below by Tuesday, August 13th at 4:00 PM.
Lunch Order:
This camp is a huge opportunity for us to come together as sections, ensembles, and one big orchestra! We'll keep you rotating, learning new things, and getting to know each other. Lots of people are working hard behind the scenes to make this happen, so if you have one of the above-mentioned excused conflicts, any bit you can attend will still make a difference.
Andrew Cummings, Director
Milton HS Orchestras
Read MoreBeginning of year checklist
8/6/2024 2:25 pm
Good afternoon, Milton Orchestra Families,
It's been great to begin coming together as an orchestra these first couple of days! To complete your beginning of year check list:
- Pay the annual orchestra activity fee here: (paying by 8/16 qualifies you for the included orchestra shirt)
- Set up/update your Membership Toolkit account at>Login
- Once logged in to, visit My Account>My Forms/Paperwork and sign the "Orchestra Handbook Acceptance Form." You can also pay tux rental fees and register for optional booster membership, Solo and Ensemble, All State Orchestra and Fulton County Honor Orchestra from this page.
- Join the announcements GroupMe (students and parents). This is for one-way announcements from Mr. Cummings and is not a group chat. You can direct message me, however, with questions, etc. if you prefer that to email.
Upcoming dates:
- 8/8: Sprit Night! Visit Playa Bowls (12660 Crabapple Rd #120) this Thursday, August 8th from 4-8 pm to support Milton Orchestra. Say you're with the orchestra when you order!
- 8/14: 6:30 pm Required parent meeting in the MHS band room (7102- next door to orchestra).
- 8/16: Deadline for annual orchestra activity fee (see above)
- 8/17: 9 am to 5 pm Required Orchestra Fall Mini-Camp (detailed schedule coming soon)
- I recognize that everyone is busy- this is the only event of its kind scheduled for the year, and we've tried to schedule it before too many activities are in full swing. Attendance is mandatory for all orchestra students. If you have a pre-existing conflict and have not done so already, email Mr. Cummings (
- Lunch will be provided- students should not leave campus
- There will be guest clinicians, rehearsals in sections and various combinations, and activities to get to know each other better!
Andrew Cummings, Director
Milton HS Orchestras
Read MoreWelcome back!
8/2/2024 6:05 pm
Students do not need instruments on day 1. Please bring them on Tuesday! If you need tuning/string assistance, however, feel free to stop by with it Monday. In case you're new and unsure, most students drop off their instruments before school starts (bottom floor, room 7101). Cellists/bassists typically use the school instruments for rehearsal.
If you're having any schedule issues involving orchestra, please talk to your counselor AND me. There's almost always a solution that can keep you involved- the program is full of 4-year orchestra, dual-enrolled, work-based-learning, medical pathway, academic, athlete superstars!
Go ahead and check out our calendar at
Mark your calendar for 8/8 spirit night, 8/14 parent meeting, and 8/17 Fall Mini Camp! You'll receive details about all three. It's an exciting way to kick off the year!
Annual orchestra activity fees will be payable through OSP via the MHS website (click "Payment"), but the link hasn't gone live yet. I'll send a reminder when it posts.
Most other registrations (All State/GMEA events, booster memberships, volunteering, syllabus signoff sheet, etc.) are through Membership Toolkit. You'll need this soon. Login and update or create your (free) account by going to and clicking "log in" or go here:
Never miss a message! Students and parents join the Milton Orchestra Announcements GroupMe:
Follow us @miltonorchestra on Instagram and/or Facebook
- Like your other classes, academic/curricular things like assignments and grading will run through Canvas/Infinite Campus. Your Canvas page is already published. You'll get info on all of that in class.
Andrew Cummings, Director
Milton HS Orchestras
Tri-M Sponsor
Graduation 2024
5/21/2024 2:31 pm
Good afternoon! Final info for graduation performance...
Orchestra Graduation Performance TOMORROW: Details/Updates...
Who: Required for all students who auditioned into 2024-25 Sinfonia or Chamber Orchestra
What to Wear: Semi-formal/business casual/Sunday best...Collared shirts and pants, dresses, skirt or pant and blouse, etc. Light materials and colors recommended to stay cool. No concert black, no jeans, no athletic shoes, no shorts. Look nice but stay cool, and make sure everything is appropriate for being up on stage.
When: Tomorrow, Wednesday, 5/22: Be at the gate for 5:30 pm entry (see map/read below); 5:40 sound check; 6:45 prelude music; estimated ending around 9:30 pm (we play during ceremony and a recessional at the end)
Where: Ameris Bank Amphitheatre- see map attached
- If driving, students should park in lot C (same as graduate parking) off of Maxwell Rd.
- If being dropped off (recommended especially for large instruments), your best bet is to pull into the Faculty/VIP parking off of Encore Pkwy. If it's being monitored that early, tell them you're dropping off for the orchestra- do not park in this lot, though. Drop off only. That will get you to a closer gate or the loading dock for entry with instruments.
- Water will be provided backstage. You cannot bring in food or drink.
- Highly recommended to eat before coming. You will have a short time after soundcheck to visit the concession stands before we have to be back in seats.
- The ceremony (including our music) will be live streamed again this year. Keep an eye out for a link from Principal Jones.
- After the ceremony: Students can hang back with me in a central location until they've made contact with their ride and know where they are being picked up. The traffic flow can get a little hectic afterwards, so this is recommended. If you can't find your ride or are having any issues, contact Mr. Cummings (see below).
- I can be reached via Remind (being phased out for next year, FYI), GroupMe direct message (new- replacing Remind), or my Google Voice # (404) 855-1083.
- For students and parents: Link to join the GroupMe Milton Orchestra Announcements: . This is a general announcements group- replies are not possible except through direct message. We can create separate student ensemble groups for next year that allow conversation.
4/25/2024 11:20 am
LETTERING- High-achieving orchestra students who go significantly above and beyond the curricular requirements of orchestra can become eligible for a varsity letter in orchestra. This is meant to represent the highest level of orchestra for any given year; therefore, it is purposefully challenging to acquire the necessary points, which reset each year. Once a letter is earned, points earned the following year can be applied toward service bars. Letters are awarded at the annual banquet, but letter jackets are the responsibility of the student/family if they choose to get one. Some students choose to earn a letter just to keep, frame, etc. Students in the highest point category earn a service star for that year in addition to their letter/bar.
If you turn in your lettering form today (Thursday, 4/25) by 4 pm, we should be able to announce it at the banquet, but we may still need to order you a letter if you weren't already accounted for. Since several people could not find the lettering form, I'll extend the deadline to turn this in for the year through May 1st. Complete and hand in or email to Mr. Cummings. Late submissions will not be accepted.
The lettering form is in the last page of your annual orchestra handbook:
Read MoreBanquet
4/19/2024 12:02 pm
We must have final banquet numbers today! The banquet is next Thursday, 4/25 at 6:30 pm in the MHS Cafe.
Putting this link out there one more time:
Please register by the end of today (you'll need to be logged in)! If it's not working, email your student name and total number of attendees (including student) to or fill out the sheet on the conductor stand in the orchestra room today. If in doubt, just email/add your name...we'll make sure we only account for you once.
Just make sure that you send $15 per attendee Monday if you add your name via email or the paper list. Thanks!
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