Current officers:
Tri-M Point Opportunities:
- Earn one point for attending all of our monthly meetings
- Attend a concert for a music program you are not part of and get more points for helping set up/take down
- Help at middle school concerts
- Roswell Players at Perfect Harmony Health
- Music theory kahoots from our meetings
Individual Point Opportunities (Up to 2 points):
- Volunteer performances not required by your music program
- Helping a music teacher
- Tutoring a student in music
Point Logging Form:
01/29 Hello everyone and welcome back! Our first meeting will be 01/29. For this semester, we are requiring six points for all members, two of which can be individual. If you are a senior who will be receiving a cord, your points will be due 04/19.
If you attended our December meeting, you will automatically receive 0.5 points for this semester. Any music-related service from last semester can be put towards this semester and will be considered individual points.
01/29 Powerpoint:
Make sure you take pictures for your points to be accepted! We keep track of attendance, so you do not need picture proof for that.
Unless pre-approved, volunteer opportunities should meet the following criteria:
- Either on this list, music-related, or an organized Tri-M service project (examples include performing, helping a music teacher, representing or assisting at a music event, etc. OR a non-music project organized by Tri-M). If you have specific questions, ask Mr. Cummings or a Tri-M officer.
- Not already required for you by your program (band, chorus, orchestra)
- Not getting service credit for another organization or submitting to any other organizations for hours
Coming soon:
- Landscaping project
- Performance at an Assisted Living Facility
11/2/24: White Columns for Milton Band (lots of slots and hours available!)
Ongoing: Coffee for Teachers through MHS PTO (you can bring donations to the orchestra room- they pick up from us as needed; or save receipts/screenshots of your submissions)
The Tri-M Music Honor Society is the international music honor society for middle/junior high and high school students. It is designed to recognize students for their academic and musical achievements, reward them for their accomplishments and service activities, and to inspire other students to excel at music and leadership. Tri-M is a program of MENC: The National Association for Music Education, the largest nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of music education. It was founded in 1936 by Alexander and Frances Harley, incorporated and renamed Modern Music Masters in 1952, and recognized in 1983 as the Tri-M Music Honor Society, a program of MENC.
The Tri-M Music Honor Society logo is rich in symbolism. The three Ms stand for “Modern Music Masters,” the society’s original name. Music is represented by the lyre and the scroll, which denote accomplishment and service. The five lines of the music staff indicate the five criteria upon which members are selected: scholarship, character, cooperation, leadership, and service. Music students at Milton are eligible to apply for Tri-M membership each fall. Because Tri-M is an honor society rather than a social club, members are chosen by their advisor. All honor societies have standards or criteria that students have to meet before they can become members.
(2025-26 applications are closed)
Application form: Required for new AND returning members
All communication is through GroupMe. Please join from the QR code posted on the Tri-M board across from the band room.
Induction Ceremony: Friday, 11/8, 4-5 pm in the Media Hub
(that's the goal- keep recital selections brief as mentioned before...1-3 minutes; cuts are fine). Attendance is mandatory for all new and returning members! You will need to complete additional make-up service if you have to miss it for any reason.
We'll send out/post a form to collect performer info.
Advisors pick students who show outstanding scholarship, leadership, service, and character to honor them for their accomplishments. The following criteria may be considered for your membership in Milton’s Tri-M chapter:
Music Participation
You have to be (or have been) in a school music ensemble or class for at least one semester of the current school year.
You have to have maintained a B average grade (or equivalent) in music, as well as at least a C average grade in your other classes during the last semester.
Your advisor can consider any school or community activity that you’ve been actively involved in.
Your advisor can consider any school or community service activity you’ve been a part of, as long as whatever you did, you did for someone else and didn’t get money or receive any other kind of payment for it.
Your advisor is looking for members who demonstrate respect, responsibility, trustworthiness, fairness, caring, and citizenship. Examples include being responsible, following school policies and procedures, being respectful of others and their property, being honest, being punctual, and being patient. Talk to your advisor to find out what the guidelines are for your chapter regarding character-these guidelines should be included in the chapter bylaws.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Tri-M Music Honor Society, see the advisor, Mr. Andrew Cummings, for details. Email: Andrew Cummings